DO you buy scrap metal? and how much do you pay?

Yes. We pay top dollar for your scrap metals. Payment will be made by check, wire transfer or cash. The price of your scrap depends on the type of metal, the size, quantity, handling involved with moving the scrap and of course the market. Different types of metals trade in different markets that fluctuate daily.

Do your services have a cost?

Any costs associated with our services will be outlined prior to any purchasing of your scrap. Although service charges such as trucking and handling are common in the industry, we strive to keep them at a minimum.

What makes your company different?

Italo is a company-specific brokerage firm. We cater to your company’s specific operations and products to help drive your bottom line. Whether that may be a custom fabricated bin for specific machinery or an employee’s ergonomics, to a structured pricing and payment plan, we make recycling your scrap metal more efficient than ever.